Saturday, May 10, 2008

7.5 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners

I realized after playing with Blogger that I needed to actually post about specific things. The first being the subject of this post.

This was an interesting, quick course. I think I'm a lifelong learner anyway. I love to read. I always love learning new things. There are at least 3 languages that I'd like to learn, and this fall, I'm going back to school for my MLS.

I definitely don't think I'll have a problem with step 7 1/2, which was play. I'm a big kid at heart. I don't think you can do what I do and not play. It's one of the many many reasons I love my job.

As far as difficulties go, I guess it would be setting a timeline for myself. I like the idea of the task list. In fact, I always have a to-do list on hand, several, in fact-- one for each aspect of my life. But, as far as pacing them out with specific deadlines... that's rough.

Still, I feel as long as I have an idea of what needs to be done and when it needs to be done by, it will be accomplished. And as the 71/2 habits tell us, "Attitude is everything."

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